A few assumptions - Water and Air are living entities inseparable for all life to exist as we experience it. With that in mind it makes sense to create and design our existence with those elements at the forefront. I have redesigned all my structures and utilities from that perspective with geodesic domes and permaculture practices as my targeted focus for this approach. My buildings breathe and have a hydrological purpose. Flo Domes is that journey.

Functional structure assisting the hydrological management of rainfall onto sculpted land. All functions optimising living conditions, water purification and food growing suited to local conditions.
Efficient designed systems all functioning with forces of nature to inspire and illuminate. The outcome realised is structure with integrated systems that enable one to exist in ecological harmony within the natures cycles. Providing the best potentials for growing food, creating energy and providing shelter whilst retaining our efforts towards our benefit, economy and autonomy.
The desired benefit being one of increased happiness, less burdensome pressure existing and a coherent conversation with nature around. A beautiful daily dance embracing the natural Earth can be realised.
Enabling ecological living and growing. This means all aspects combined provide the best starting point for growing a lifestyle close to nature in order with the Earths natural cycles. The ecological consequences from how we live matters more than ever and solutions towards stable ecological living are an advance and antidote to the polluting conventional ways. More a daily dance many would like to choose.



Rockingdean Studios - Rottingdean, East Sussex. UK. 2011-19 developing systems with recycled materials from local source. Dome pics above.
Future Roots - Stanmer Organics, East Sussex, UK.
Grow Dome, Rain ponds & landscaping - Dorset, UK.
Horsham, West Sussex - Private land Oak beam Dome project linked to geothermal polytunnel.
East Sussex, UK - Regenerative Farm requested design for Forest Garden, Ponds, no dig beds and geodesic dome.
Portugal 2022- project includes our link with LANDTRIBE where we plan to launch a conservation lodge/camp utilising a dome as the central growing pod for the conservations needs. A mixture of rewilding and conservation to stabilise lands for regenerative natural cycles. 2023 update is Land and House were bought and now being developed.

I consult farmers, land and house owners wanting to develop natural systems on their properties that can provide water, energy, food and shelter. Independent systems that are more for direct benefit to the surrounding ecology and benefit their lives without a continual bill. We can make harmony with Earth and have our daily dance.